1. We are in a very dangerous world and not just because of the Ukraine crisis. Climate Change and Net Zero advocates have proven to be unwilling to listen to the many avenues of science and history that challenge their claim, i.e. “Man-made climate change/global warming represents an immediate threat to our survival and prosperity”. When one discusses the subject with one of the many progressive advocates, he or she usually becomes aggressively defensive with petulant remarks such as, “there is abundant scientific evidence that serious man-made climate change exists”. But where is that “evidence”? It is very hard to find. Alarmist forecasters such as Al Gore have basked in their own publicity (and made a lot of money out of the same) claiming more than a decade ago that, for example, “by 2020 sea levels around the world will have risen by 5 inches thanks to man-made fossil-fuel-generated emissions which have resulted in major global warming”. Didn’t happen! As with all the other gloom and doom prognostications.
  2. It is of vital importance to Western security and prosperity that all levels of our society, from Government Ministers down to Joe Public, now address this issue with honest fact-checking and a new and open mind that is not dominated by misinformation from the environmentalists.
  3. How “misguided” are the Greens? One has only to refer to the mind-blowing idiocy of allowing a brainwashed teenage girl, Greta Thunberg, to address the United Nations on this issue. The highly paid, unelected bureaucrats of that Organization fell over themselves to applaud her “wisdom” without doing any serious examination of real-time global data.
  4. To date, the environmentalist scaremongering lobby supported by the progressive media has had unwarranted influence on Western world leaders – hence the Paris Accord, following which all the lemmings propelled themselves off the cliff with their Climate Change and Net Zero promises/policies. The War against Fossil Fuels gained huge momentum and now represents an “existential threat” to continued Western prosperity and security. Take, for example, the voluntary regression away from national energy independence by POTUS. It is having major international ramifications. Significantly, it has given great leverage to Russia and China (and India) who want no part of this fossil fuel War because they can see the blindingly obvious, i.e. the world remains heavily reliant upon fossil fuels and will continue to do so until a viable, affordable alternative energy source is discovered and developed – if ever.
  5. It is of particular note and significance that some members of the U.S. Congress are now investigating serious allegations that both Russia and China have been providing funding to many of the influential Environmentalist Groups, thereby facilitating the disingenuous spread of the Green New Deal philosophy. No doubt, the lemmings will immediately challenge this Congressional initiative because they don’t wish to have egg on their face and admit that they were wrong.
  6. But the bottom line is that they should have the common sense, guts and moral fortitude to take into account other well-researched points of view that demonstrate the lack of justification for this “War on Fossil Fuels”. Such commendable viewpoints are available to one and all, for example from the website climatediscussionnexus.com. Its February 2, 2022 newsletter includes some gems that the lemmings would do well to address. Some Excerpts from the website are provided below for information and ease of access.
  7. Do take the time to read them. They provide strong argument for
    1. A major reassessment of the less than factual “scientific” data that led to the knee-jerk Paris Accord Agreement and for
    2. The urgent dismemberment of the Green New Deal movement and agenda.



In our latest “Backgrounder” video we expose the dirty secret of “The Fatal Policy Flaw” that the alarmists’ own computer models say if every nation met its Paris Accord targets, it wouldn’t change global temperature in the year 2100 by more than a tenth of a degree, so it’s all pain for no gain. In fact it’s all pain for more pain, because a poorer world will be less able to deal with whatever bad weather comes along in the future.”


To think Maclean’s in March 2012 announced “The Year that Winter Died”, not as shameless clickbait but because “Coast to coast, we’ve had the warmest temperatures with the least snow in 65 years. Why we may never have a real Canadian winter again.” In fact Ottawa has had its longest January run with lows under -20°C in 40 years, and its fourth-longest since 1872. Meanwhile in Athens it was snowing on the Acropolis and on nearby beaches.”


Wired magazine takes it up a notch by wailing that “The World Was Cooler in 2021 Than 2020. That’s Not Good News”.”


If you’re one of those smart people who prefers a gas stove to an electric stove for the instant response, greater flexibility and more natural heating effect, you are a planet-destroying monster. Australia’s ABC says “Cooking with gas? Research finds health and emissions risks even when stoves are off”. How bad is it? Well, terrible as usual: “Leaking methane from natural gas-burning stove tops is releasing the greenhouse-gas equivalent of hundreds of thousands of cars, and cooking on gas stovetops is posing a risk to health, according to new research.” [Where do the Aussies get such nonsense from?]


The Economist, whose raison d’être seems to be to couch radical ideas in sober language, has found the problem with European energy policy. They haven’t done enough to squash fossil fuels. D’oh. When you’re in a hole, dig harder. “Investors’ enthusiasm for financing the green transition is growing”, from Tesla to “catl, China’s battery giant”. But “if you look more closely, you will find huge problems.” Yeah. We could have told you that one. “If the world is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, investment will need to more than double, to $5trn a year. And fund management is rife with ‘green-washing’.” So send in the bureaucrats. “To the rescue has come the European Union, which has devised a new labelling system, or taxonomy”, to impose complex terminology on everyday life and central planning as well; it “sorts the economy into activities it deems environmentally sustainable” and government is never wrong about that sort of thing.” [Thank goodness for Brexit. But we need to get on with fracking in Britain and fully utilize our own energy resources.]


Here’s a strange one. Question the link between man-made CO2 and global

warming and nearly everyone rushes to shoosh you, including most of the people opposed to carbon taxes. But as we’ve already pointed out, there’s a surprisingly poor correlation between atmospheric CO2 and temperature throughout history and prehistory. And now it turns out there’s a surprisingly poor correlation between atmospheric CO2 and man-made CO2. It’s even odder since as human production of CO2 rose so did atmospheric CO2, which broadly is not true of temperature. (Not from 1850 until the early 20th century, and not in the mid-20th century, or the early 21st.) But now a study in Health Physics looks at isotopes, because natural CO2 contains 14C and the man-made kind essentially does not (because 14C is created by cosmic rays hitting atmospheric carbon but its half-life is about 5730 years, so it’s long gone in fossil fuels that have been underground since the last saurus brontoed). So the air should have lots of 14C-free CO2 from all our fossil fuel burning. But the study finds that the share of 14C-free CO2 in the atmosphere is far lower than its share in total emissions since 1750 would predict. So even if you could prove that the increase in CO2 since that date caused the Little Ice Age to end, you couldn’t finger humans as the cause of the whole process.” [A bit complicated for me, but I am sure you “scientists” will understand it.]


The colour scheme on a recent chart from the Government of Canada showing how much warming has hit our country in winter months might have given you the impression that the far North has become a holiday destination for sun-seekers. As a public service, to avoid confused tourists getting frostbite looking for the beach, we have decided to show you the long-term temperatures for Canada’s far north in those places where the record goes back to the 1930s or earlier. This week we look at the seaside town of Pond Inlet Nunavut, where the record goes back to 1923. Below are the average daytime highs for January. For 60 years starting in the 1920s the January highs bounced around between -20C and -35C. But ever since 1980 they’ve been bouncing around between, uh, -20C and -35C.

Pond Inlet Nunavut


A group of Chinese scholars (h/t Kenneth Richard) is working through the vast storehouse of ancient Song and Tang poetry and thus far has determined that central China was 1-2C warmer than today for much of the Tang Dynasty between 600 and 900 AD.”

  1. If you follow the crowd without
    1. paying attention to credible detail and without
    2. looking at both sides of the coin,
      then you too could become a lemming.
  2. Watch out for that cliff face!

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