1. If one day, as individuals, you find your bank accounts, credit cards and investments have been frozen without warning and without explanation by a hidden third-party because that third-party disagrees with your views, your entire livelihood will be threatened.
  2. And if, as a Nation, you suddenly find that financial support for your National Security Investments and disbursements (including the military) are summarily blocked by a hidden third-party because that third-party disagrees with your Sovereign Intent, you will be stymied. Should that third-party so wish, the economic structure, prosperity and indeed survival of your way of life could be put at risk.
  3. I would most strongly suggest that any initiative to enable the realisation of the above unacceptable scenarios should, of course, be nipped in the bud. Is the mystical “Deep State” seeking control and domination of the world order as we know it? That is a very reasonable question that should not be dismissed lightly. There are two ongoing initiatives that endow it with credence.
    • The first is evidenced by ongoing discussions at the highest level concerning the possible implementation of programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
    • The second is evidenced by the ongoing skulduggery and corruption now underway within the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its Assembly (WHA).
  4. I am addressing these issues out of grave concern for the future of my grandchildren and the generations that follow.


  1. I recommend that you watch the short video by Economist Prof Richard Werner concerning the dangers associated with CBDCs. Probably the most respected economist on the planet, he may be the person who understands Central Banking and the stimulation of national economies via Quantitative Easing (QE) the best. (He has worked advising central banks and on the investment side, now lecturing.)

Behind the CBDC

  1. He closes with a short statement:

We are talking about the most totalitarian control system in human history. This is a control tool that not only gives them [the Central Banks] complete visibility of every transaction you are doing, but the monitoring is only one aspect of it and, of course, you can use that information for your purposes if you are a controller, central planner. And these CBDCs are programmable and can be used to create rules as to who can buy what for what purpose and at what time and where, and therefore control your movements and your activities.



  1. James Roguski provides worrying details concerning the ongoing draft of the International Pandemic Treaty and draws urgent attention to the disturbing proposed Amendments to that Treaty – discussions about which have been conducted in secret.

The Top 6 Reasons to Speak Out Against the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations

  1. He suggests that if these Treaty Amendments are not investigated urgently with due diligence and challenged successfully, they would effectively take away the Sovereign power of signatory Nations concerning health and bio security. That power would instead belong to the WHO led by the Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who has close ties to the CCP, no medical qualifications and a questionable background/pedigree. If the proposed Amendments are ratified, the WHO would be able to declare formal global health crises/pandemics – whether contrived or not. There would be no means or procedure for signatory nations to object to orders from the WHO.
  2. For example, this could result in the enforcement of a WHO Mandate for a Global Digital Health Pass – a further invasion of our privacy and our individual human rights (as occurred with the Digital Vaccine Passport) and a new, more powerful control mechanism that could precede the arbitrary imposition of Global Digital IDs.
  3. Roguski provides the top six reasons why “EVERYONE ON EARTH SHOULD SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS”. Do read them – they may be accessed through his website.


  1. The above threats should be addressed urgently with an open mind, as they would appear to represent a desire to take over, manipulate and control many aspects of our daily lives, including the Global Strategic Defence rights and plans of all Sovereign Nations. At minimum, they should be rigorously investigated so that “possibility” does not become “probability” and that “probability” does not become “reality”. Pretending that they do not exist should be a complete nonstarter if we are to be sure to retain our individual freedoms and avoid a new and autocratic world order from which we cannot extricate ourselves.

Final Thought – For Now.

  1. The Chinese Communist Party’s recent statement that we are on the verge of a New World Order gives strength to the warnings presented by Prof Richard Werner and James Roguski. The CCP will feed off the initiatives of the Deep State, off the greed of big Pharma, off the desire for power by our Central Banks and off the narcissistic hunger for control of individuals such as George Soros and Bill Gates.
  2. I am reminded of the head-in-the-sand lack of understanding and “leadership” of Chamberlain and others between the two World Wars, who failed to recognise the imminent danger presented by the Third Reich. Ignoring all the signs, Chamberlain’s infamous “Peace in Our Time” statement heralded the onset of one of the most horrific wars in human history. Failing to recognise and counter the clear threat now represented by the Deep State would probably result in an equally catastrophic and tragic event.
  3. Inevitably, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a central role in the manipulation and disinformation provided by the Deep State and by the CCP in their crusade to control and define a New World Order. We must not let them succeed!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Edward

    I’m hoping that humble yeoman will eventually reject political parties that subscribe to the loss of sovereignty and real control over our own affairs. The baffling rush to net zero is an equally disturbing move by western governments. It’s almost as if today’s politicians have not thought further forward than the next election.

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